Communication tools
for your products

Seamlessly handle team-based product communication and collaboration with utmost convenience for all your products.

Hellokea Multiple email accounts image

Simple customer communication for businesses and indie hackers

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs and indie hackers! We’re a small team just like you, and we’ve been burning the midnight oil to create something special. We know the struggles of running a small business or bootstrapping a startup, so we’ve built this platform with you in mind.

Privacy-first approach

We get it – your customers’ trust is everything. That’s why we’ve built a secure email system that lets you create separate accounts for each of your projects or products. No sneaky data mining here – we’re not into that. We’ve implemented end-to-end encryption to keep your conversations locked down tight. The interface is super intuitive (if we do say so ourselves), so you can juggle multiple communication streams without losing your mind. By choosing Hellokea, you’re not just streamlining your customer service – you’re showing your customers you take their privacy as seriously as we do.

Keeping it human in an AI world

Look, we’re tech geeks too, and we know AI is the talk of the town. But as fellow small business owners, we believe nothing beats the human touch when it comes to customer service. That’s why we’ve designed this platform to amplify your personality, not replace it. We always leave the final say to you. We’ve made it easy for you to collaborate with your team (even if it’s just you and your co-founder for now) because we know that’s where the magic happens.

Team collaboration tools

Whether you’re a solo indie hacker or have a small team, we’ve got you covered. It’s super easy to bring everyone on board. With just a few clicks, you can invite team members to the products you’ve set up. We love the idea of specialized teams for each product – even if that team is just one person wearing multiple hats! We’ve streamlined the onboarding process too, because we know your time is precious when you’re building and running a business. As your product takes off and your team grows (fingers crossed!), our system scales right along with you.

Fine-grained access control

We understand that as your business grows, you might need more control over who accesses what. That’s why we’ve created a permission system that’s as flexible as you need it to be. Want to set permissions for individual inboxes? No problem! You can fine-tune access levels, from read-only to full response capabilities. As your team’s roles evolve (or as you hire that first customer support person), you can easily adjust permissions without disrupting the workflow. We’ve even included an audit trail feature for those times when you need to track changes – because sometimes you just need to know who said what to whom! :)

Built by indies, for indies

Here’s the thing – we’re not some big corporation with deep pockets. We’re a small team of indie hackers, just like you, with a big passion for solving real customer service problems. We don’t have VC funding breathing down our necks, and that’s just the way we like it. It means we can focus on what really matters – building a product that works for you, not for investors.

We’ve poured all our experience, every bit of feedback, and countless cups of coffee into this platform. Being small means we can move fast – when you suggest an improvement, we listen and act. We believe in growing sustainably and building real relationships with our users.

When you choose our platform, you’re not just getting a tool – you’re getting a dedicated team. We may be small, but we’re mighty proud of what we’ve built, and we can’t wait to see how it helps your business grow!

Why choose Hellokea?

  1. Privacy-focused: End-to-end encryption keeps your customer data safe
  2. Human-centric: Customizable templates and features to showcase your brand personality
  3. Scalable: Grows with your business, from solo entrepreneur to small team
  4. Flexible permissions: Fine-grained access control to manage team roles effectively
  5. Built by indies: We understand your challenges because we’re living them too
Master the art of managing multiple projects Products

Unlock the power of versatility! It's no surprise that small businesses and indie hackers often nurture a diverse range of products and side projects. Fear not, for we provide you with a seamless solution to effortlessly handle all your ventures, regardless of their size. From the grandest endeavors to the tiniest gems, our platform has got you covered with utmost humility and unwavering confidence.

handle multiple projects
handle multiple email addresses
More than one email account? Sorted!

Wave goodbye to email monotony! Don't be caught in the same old address rut for every business interaction. With our email management solution, you'll effortlessly juggle multiple addresses in a single view, giving you total control and a refreshing twist to your inbox!

Swift actions and the satisfying sound of 'Done!'

Say goodbye to the overwhelming chaos of managing emails from multiple inboxes. Our quick actions are here to save the day, helping you conquer your email mountain with lightning speed. Don't believe us? Give it a try, and we guarantee you'll fall head over heels for our efficient email-handling capabilities. Discover just how much you can achieve with our empowering tools and unlock a world of productivityyou never knew existed. Get ready to soar beyond your expectations!

quicks actions projects
user permissions
Unlock the power of precision

Embrace a harmonious team environment while maintaining control over access and permissions. Be the welcoming captain of your ship, ensuring each teammate has their designated roles and responsibilities. With our intuitive interface, managing permissions is as effortless as flipping a switch. Sail confidently, knowing that your team's access and communication are safeguarded with ease.

And, indie hackers...

Each product has unique requirements and demands, and there's no need to empty your pockets for the entire product lineup. With Hellokea, you have the liberty to select a plan that caters specifically to each product's needs. Whether it's the basic plan or the Pro plan, you can assign either one to every product you create within Hellokea, tailoring it to their individual usage.

This flexibility makes Hellokea an ideal choice for indie hackers and small businesses, precisely because it allows you to pay solely for the services you utilize. Say goodbye to unnecessary expenses and hello to cost-effective solutions tailored to your specific product requirements.

An indie developer's toolkit

Designed with all the necessary tools to handle multiple projects. Grow with us and pay for what you use. It's that simple.

  • Manage multiple projects
  • Pay for the project that's active
  • Powerful inbox for all email accounts
  • Multiple team members for all your projects


The Helpdesk world is packed with tools to fix problems, all designed for big-shot companies. But Hellokea? We're different. We focus on the little guys - small businesses and indiehackers.

Starting a business is tough, whether you're bootstrapping or working on side gigs. Dealing with customers can feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops! And if you're a lone wolf developer with multiple products, keeping up with user questions from all over the internet can make your head spin faster than a bug in a blender.

We think we can untangle this mess and make things super simple and smooth. After all, at Hellokea, we're not just solving problems - we're 'help-desk-tined' to make your business thrive!"

©  Netatum Ltd