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How to Navigate Social Media Algorithm Changes

September 15, 2024 | Russell

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the constant changes in social media algorithms? Trust me, you’re not alone. It seems like every time we get comfortable with how things work, another update comes along and shakes everything up. But don’t worry – I’m here to help you navigate these choppy waters and keep your business visible in the ever-changing world of social media feeds.

Why Do Algorithms Change?

Before we dive into the strategies, let’s take a moment to understand why these platforms keep messing with their algorithms. It’s not just to drive us crazy (though it might feel that way sometimes!).

Social media platforms are constantly evolving to improve user experience and engagement. They want to show people content they’ll actually enjoy and interact with. As user behavior changes and new technologies emerge, these platforms need to adapt to stay relevant and keep users coming back for more.

According to a study, 91% of businesses are expected to increase their social media marketing budgets within the next three years, reflecting the growing recognition of its importance.

The Impact on Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you might be wondering, “Why should I care about all this technical stuff?” Well, here’s the thing: these algorithm changes can have a big impact on your visibility and reach.

Remember when your Facebook posts used to get tons of engagement without much effort? Those days are long gone. Organic reach on Facebook has been steadily declining, with some studies suggesting it’s now as low as 5.2% for the average page.

But don’t panic! While it’s true that these changes can be challenging, they also present opportunities for businesses that are willing to adapt and try new strategies.

Strategy 1: Focus on Quality Over Quantity

In the early days of social media, posting frequently was often enough to get noticed. Now, the algorithms are much smarter. They’re looking for high-quality, engaging content that resonates with users.

What does this mean for you? It’s time to shift your focus from how often you post to how good your posts are. Instead of churning out multiple mediocre posts a day, put your energy into creating fewer, but more thoughtful and valuable pieces of content.

Ask yourself: “Is this something my audience will find genuinely helpful or interesting?” If the answer is yes, you’re on the right track.

Strategy 2: Encourage Meaningful Interactions

Social media platforms love content that sparks conversations. They want to see people commenting, sharing, and engaging with each other. This is where you can really shine as a small business owner.

Try asking questions in your posts to encourage comments. Respond to those comments promptly and genuinely. Share user-generated content and tag the creators. The more you can get your audience talking and interacting, the more the algorithms will favor your content.

As social media expert Amy Jo Martin says,

“The key to social media success is to think ‘dialogue,’ not ‘monologue.’”

Strategy 3: Embrace Video Content

If there’s one trend that’s consistent across almost all social media platforms, it’s the growing importance of video content. From Instagram Reels to TikTok, short-form video is king right now.

Don’t let this intimidate you! You don’t need Hollywood-level production values to create effective video content. Simple, authentic videos often perform better than overly polished ones. Show behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, share quick tips related to your industry, or demonstrate how to use your products.

According to Wyzowl’s State of Video Marketing Survey, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, and 93% of marketers who use video say it’s an important part of their marketing strategy.

Strategy 4: Stay Up-to-Date with Platform Features

Social media platforms often give preferential treatment to users who adopt their newest features. Remember when Instagram introduced Reels? Accounts that used Reels saw a significant boost in visibility.

Make it a habit to regularly check for updates on the platforms you use. When new features are introduced, don’t be afraid to experiment with them. You might just find a new way to connect with your audience and boost your visibility.

Strategy 5: Build a Community, Not Just an Audience

Algorithms increasingly favor accounts that have strong, engaged communities around them. This means going beyond just accumulating followers – you want to create a sense of belonging and connection.

Consider creating a Facebook Group related to your business niche. Encourage discussions, share exclusive content, and really listen to what your community members have to say. This not only helps with algorithm visibility but also builds customer loyalty. We do have a discussion group at reddit and we haven’t done lots of work yet.

Community expert Mackenzie Fogelson notes,

“Don’t focus on the size of your community. Focus on the strength of the relationships within it.”

Strategy 6: Diversify Your Social Media Presence

While it’s important to excel on your primary platform, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Algorithm changes on one platform can have less impact on your overall online presence if you’ve cultivated audiences on multiple platforms.

That doesn’t mean you need to be active on every social network out there. Choose 2-3 platforms that align well with your business and audience, and focus on building a strong presence on each.

Strategy 7: Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is like gold for social media algorithms. It’s authentic, it encourages engagement, and it shows that real people are interacting with your brand.

Encourage your customers to share photos or videos of them using your products. Run contests that involve users creating content related to your brand. Not only does this provide you with a wealth of content to share, but it also creates a sense of community around your business.

According to a study by Stackla, 79% of people say user-generated content highly impacts their purchasing decisions.

Strategy 8: Pay Attention to Timing

While the quality of your content is crucial, timing still plays a role in how well it performs. Each platform has peak times when users are most active, and these can vary depending on your specific audience.

Use the analytics tools provided by each platform to understand when your audience is most active and engaged. Experiment with posting at different times and track the results. Over time, you’ll develop a sense of when your content is most likely to be seen and engaged with.

Strategy 9: Don’t Forget About SEO

While we’re focusing on social media algorithms, it’s important to remember that social media and search engine optimization (SEO) are increasingly intertwined. Many people now use social media platforms as search engines, looking for products, services, or information.

Use relevant keywords in your profile, posts, and hashtags. Make sure your content is easily shareable and includes compelling visuals. The more your content is shared and engaged with on social media, the more likely it is to appear in search results both within the platform and on traditional search engines. At Hellokea, as of now, we focus more on the customer support. You can see more about this here.

Strategy 10: Be Authentic and Consistent

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to be authentic and consistent. Social media algorithms are designed to favor accounts that provide genuine value to users over time.

Don’t try to game the system or use shortcuts. Focus on creating content that truly resonates with your audience, engage with them sincerely, and stay true to your brand voice. This approach not only helps with algorithm visibility but also builds long-term trust and loyalty with your audience.


Navigating social media algorithm changes can feel like trying to hit a moving target. But remember, these changes are ultimately aimed at creating a better experience for users – including your potential customers.

By focusing on creating quality content, fostering genuine interactions, staying adaptable, and leveraging new features and trends, you can not only survive these changes but thrive in spite of them.

Remember, you’re not just trying to beat an algorithm – you’re trying to connect with real people. Keep that as your north star, and you’ll find that staying visible becomes a natural result of your efforts.

So, are you ready to take on those algorithm changes? With these strategies in your toolkit, I bet you are. Now go out there and show those social media feeds what your business is made of!