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Mastering Hashtag: Boost Your Small Business's Social Media Presence

September 10, 2024 | Russell

In my last post on customer support, I mentioned the importance of customer support essentials. Grab a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice) and let’s chat about something that might seem small but can make a big difference in your social media game: hashtags.

When I first started my small business, I thought throwing random hashtags on my posts would magically bring in customers. Boy, was I wrong! After months of crickets, I decided to dive deep into the world of hashtags. Now, I’m excited to share what I’ve learned with you, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.

Trust me, I’ve been there – staring at my phone, wondering why my brilliant posts aren’t getting any traction. But hang in there! With these hashtag strategies, you’ll be on your way to social media stardom. Well, maybe not stardom, but definitely improved visibility!

Why Hashtags Matter

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about why hashtags are so important. In today’s digital age, standing out from the crowd is harder than ever. According to recent statistics from Sprout Social, there are over 5.17 billion active social media users worldwide as of 2024. That’s a lot of noise to cut through!

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “Great, one more thing I need to master for my business.” But trust me, once you get the hang of it, using hashtags effectively becomes second nature. And the payoff? Totally worth it.

Hashtags act like a beacon, guiding potential customers to your content. They’re not just trendy; they’re a crucial part of your social media strategy. As social media expert Neil Patel puts it:

“Hashtags are like a magnet for your content. They attract the right people at the right time, increasing your chances of engagement and conversion.”

Researching Effective Hashtags

Now that we understand the importance of hashtags, let’s talk about how to find the right ones for your business. It’s not just about slapping #awesome on every post (though we’re sure your business is awesome!).

Know Your Audience

The first step in hashtag research is understanding your audience. Who are they? What are their interests? What language do they use? These questions will guide you towards the hashtags they’re likely to use and follow.

Use Hashtag Research Tools

There are plenty of tools out there to help you find relevant hashtags. Some popular ones include Hashtagify, RiteTag, and Instagram’s own search function. These tools can show you the popularity of different hashtags and suggest related ones.

Full disclosure: researching this article sent me down a hashtag rabbit hole. I spent way too much time scrolling through #cutecats and #foodporn. But I regret nothing, and my Instagram feed has never looked better!

Check Out Your Competitors

Take a look at what hashtags your competitors are using. This can give you ideas and help you understand what’s working in your industry. But remember, the goal isn’t to copy – it’s to get inspired and find your own unique voice.

Using only the most popular hashtags might seem like a good idea, but it can actually make your content get lost in the shuffle. Instead, try a mix of popular and niche hashtags. As Instagram expert Jenn Herman advises:

“A good strategy is to use a combination of popular, moderately popular, and niche hashtags. This increases your chances of being seen by different segments of your audience.”

Imagine you’re a local bakery. Instead of just using #bakery, try something like #artisanbreads or #glutenfreecupcakes. Your fellow bread enthusiasts will thank you!

Using Hashtags Effectively Across Platforms

Each social media platform has its own hashtag culture. Let’s break it down:


Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but that doesn’t mean you should use all 30 every time. Recent studies suggest that 9-11 hashtags per post is the sweet spot for engagement. Remember to mix it up – don’t use the same hashtags for every post.

X (formerly Twitter)

On X, less is more. Aim for 1-2 hashtags per tweet. According to a study by [Search Logistics](, tweets with one or two hashtags receive 2x more engagement than those with three or more.


LinkedIn is more professional, so your hashtag use should reflect that. Stick to 3-5 relevant, industry-specific hashtags per post. LinkedIn’s algorithm favors posts with 3 hashtags, according to recent data.


Hashtags on Facebook are less common, but they can still be effective. Use them sparingly – 1-2 per post is usually sufficient. Make sure they’re relevant and add value to your content.

Creating Your Own Branded Hashtag

As your business grows, consider creating your own branded hashtag. This can be your company name, a slogan, or a phrase associated with your brand. Encourage your followers to use it when they post about your products or services.

Branded hashtags are great for building community and collecting user-generated content. They also make it easier for you to track mentions of your brand across social media. According to Sprout Social, 77% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands they follow on social media, so building this community can directly impact your bottom line.

Hashtag Do’s and Don’ts

Let’s wrap up with some quick do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Research your hashtags before using them
  • Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags
  • Create a branded hashtag for your business
  • Keep your hashtags relevant to your content
  • Monitor the performance of your hashtags and adjust accordingly
  • Use too many hashtags (especially on X and LinkedIn)
  • Use irrelevant hashtags just because they’re trending
  • Forget to check the meaning of a hashtag before using it
  • Use spaces or punctuation in your hashtags
  • Expect overnight success – building visibility takes time and consistency

Measuring Your Hashtag Success

Remember, the key to mastering hashtags is to continually learn and adapt. Use analytics tools provided by social media platforms or third-party apps to track the performance of your hashtags. Look at metrics like reach, engagement, and follower growth.

As social media strategist Peg Fitzpatrick says:

“The most successful social media marketers are always testing, measuring, and refining their strategies. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different hashtags and see what works best for your brand.”


Hashtags might seem like a small detail in the grand scheme of your social media strategy, but they can make a big difference in your visibility and engagement. By understanding how to research and use hashtags effectively across different platforms, you’re taking a significant step towards mastering social media marketing.

Remember, consistency is key. Keep at it, keep learning, and don’t be afraid to get creative. Before you know it, you’ll be a hashtag pro, guiding new customers to your business with every post.

How to Use Hashtags Effectively

  1. Research relevant hashtags using tools and competitor analysis
  2. Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags
  3. Adapt your strategy for each platform (e.g., 9-11 for Instagram, 1-2 for Twitter)
  4. Create a branded hashtag for your business
  5. Monitor performance and adjust your strategy accordingly

As I’m writing this, #SmallBusinessWeek is trending. It’s the perfect example of how a timely hashtag can boost your visibility. Keep an eye out for similar opportunities in your industry!

Happy hashtagging, and may your feeds be forever filled with engaged followers!

What’s your biggest hashtag challenge? Drop it in the comments below, and let’s brainstorm together! And hey, if you found this guide helpful, why not share it with your fellow small business owners? Use #HashtagMasteryGuide – see what I did there? 😊