Apr 09, 2023


The core part of an email system is marking an email as unread/read. This feature may sound trivial to many. The complexity arises when this is used in a multi-user environment. In Hellokea, every single user who has access to an account can view and mark the email as read/unread.

You might have seen the list in the previous changelog. Though we implemented that a few weeks ago, it was in a tremendous testing phase. We have added a few new things to the functionality. In the detailed view, the email could be marked as unread/read at the thread level.


Apr 06, 2023


- Action bar for lists

A quick action bar is added to the list of emails. The bar pops up when an email is selected in the list in any of the folders. The actions depend on the type of folder being selected.

Quick action bar for the email list

- Bug fixes in email sending and receiving functionality.

- Changes to the UX when selecting email in the detail mode


Apr 01, 2023


- Contact List

It's common to have a simple contact list for every single email account we have. To mimic that behaviour, we have added a cool new contact list which is automatically added by incoming mail. This list can also be manually changed based on user preferences.

- Contact Groups

Grouping contacts by certain criteria are also important for organizing them. On the email list screen, a column is dedicated to grouping the customer/user. As of now, contacts could be automatically grouped by domain name.

Contacts grouping in email accounts

In the above picture, the contacts from certain domains can be grouped together.



Mar 28, 2023


Table for the email list

The first of the email list is shown in a simple format. Not many details are captured at a glance. Now a table is added to show the list of fields that one is interested in. Customizing the table columns is in the works and will be released in the future.


Emails in the customizable columns

-  Table for showing the list of emails

Earlier the email list is shown as a plain old list without alignment. Now there is a table to display fields. This is essential when contacts in email need to be displayed by groups. In a future release, these columns can be customized and arranged in a different order.

-  Contacts and contacts groups are added for individual accounts

Every individual account has its own contact list which can be changed and removed. This contact list is also shared among all the team members. We are still working on making the UI better

-  Unread emails are shown in darker colour fonts.

It's a bit of a complex task to accomplish this feature. The unread status of email when the account type is shared inbox is a bit hard to implement. The status should be different for the users sharing the email account. Now, every user has their own email read status

- Ticket assignment and personal drafts feature added.

A ticket can be assigned or unassigned. The cool part of this feature is assigning the tick to the users who have access to a specific inbox account. Think about having more than one email account with multiple access. All handled with Hellokea mailbox.

Mar 18, 2023


- Initial release of changelog with tags

- UI changes in the website and minor changes to links

- Integrated mailbox accounts


- Empty message guide for creating accounts

- Initial page for adding products and help cards

- Websocket integration for new notifications in the mailbox

Mar 15, 2023


- Added user assignment in the Mailbox user interface

Tickets assignment to team members


- Fixed UI changes in the main menu

- Grouped products based on the company. This is useful when differentiating products by shared and owned.